February 24, 2014

UMC women

 UMW is alive and kicking! 22 women signed up at the end of January to start a new chapter of UMW at our church. The next planning meeting will be a potluck lunch on February 16 after the late service in the Fellowship Hall and all women are invited. Bring ideas! Our first fundraiser will be a fun Purse Auction this spring to raise money for missions. The first small group meeting will be a book club reading books on missions, social justice and spiritual growth. The group meets at Anna-Lisa’s house at 706 20th St, Mosinee on the 2nd Wednesday every month. Book lists will be posted on the UMW Facebook page, which was beautifully started by Eileen Fox, the new secretary. Brenda Arndt, the new Vice President, is collected ideas for more small groups to get started, so talk to her if you have ideas. Thanks to everyone who came to the last meeting and is excited about connecting with God, connecting with each other, and making a difference in our world.