September 8, 2016

The website has been edited and brought up-to-date.  Thank you for your patience as we accomplished that!
This Sunday is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.  We remember all those who lost their lives, all the families who were affected, the public servants that demonstrated the greatest love of all by laying down their lives for friends.   Our church service this week will be at 9:00 am, with a baptism, and remembrance of the anniversary of 9/11.  Sunday School for all ages will begin at 10:00, or shortly after the service ends.   The United Methodist Women will have a brief meeting following the worship service to vote for new officers.  That meeting will be held in Fellowship Hall.
If you haven’t been to Mosinee United Methodist, we invite you to visit and worship with us this week.