May 1, 2017

2017 Easter wreathThe devotional today is Psalm 4:1-8:  “Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself.”  It’s almost impossible for us to get through a day without being snubbed, ignored, or put down in some way.  David’s enemies were talking smack:  bullying, threatening, pummeling him with insults.  His sense of self-worth and well-being had plummeted.  Then David remembered these verses.  The Hebrew word here, hesed, literally refers to God’s covenant love.   Here is what we too must remember:  We are loved forever, set apart in a special way, as dear to God as His own Son.  He has called us to be His children for all eternity.  We can remind ourselves of the love we receive freely from our Father.  He never gives up on us, and He never stops loving us.


