July 1, 2012

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God made it grow.” (Acts 2:47 CEB)

God makes it grow.Mosinee United Methodist Church is like a garden.

Our garden was planted generations ago. All of us continue to plant and tend. We have many gifted leaders who plant and till – our music leaders, our lay speakers, our Sunday School teachers, our youth volunteers, our committees (and on and on!). We also have many gifted followers who each contribute their seeds of talent or tend their corner of the garden.

Gardens need rain, and churches need prayer. Our church is gently watered by steady and constant prayer! We pray during worship Sunday morning and Wednesday night. The worship team prays before the 10:30 service. The prayer group meets Monday nights to pray. On Wednesday mornings still other folks gather at 7:00am for coffee and prayer. And whenever we have a need or someone is in trouble, prayer requests go out by email and phone.

One of the constant themes I hear in these prayers is pride and humility. We are proud of the way our church loves folks, proud of our witness in the community, proud of our vital worship… but we also recognize that only God could take our little contributions and blend them into the amazing, beautiful, and bountiful garden that is Mosinee United Methodist Church.

So don’t be hesitant to do your bit. Give a little, help a little, pray a little. Nothing is too humble for God to grant the increase. Remember: Some plant. Others water. God makes it grow!

Pastor Park