August 10, 2012

The annual LogJam Festival is August 10-12. As in past years, Mosinee United Methodist Church will be active in this great community event… but with some changes.

Instead of cooking the Friday fish boil we will be serving a “Big Feed” on Friday night, featuring beef and turkey sandwiches and dinners prepared by Ed & Sharon’s catering. Terry Strasburg is providing homemade apple bars and ice cream for desert. Yum!

(Fish fans, don’t despair. In 2013 we will return to the fish boil meal, catered by Randy’s Fish Boils.)

We need help with setup, serving, and cleanup Friday August 10. Watch for the sign-up sheet at church or contact Steve & Charmaine Prewitt (715-571-3563) to volunteer.

Pastor Park will be leading the 1866 Revival worship service Sunday morning in the park at 9:45am between our two regular worship services. Come to the park to sing old hymns and hear some good ol’ rip-snortin’ King James Version preachin’!