December 17, 2012

Mary at work.

Mary Gurlea staffs her post with a smile!

The Staff-Parish Relations Committee invites you to join us for a potluck lunch celebrating Mary Gurlea’s years of service to Mosinee UMC. Mary has served as our church secretary since November 2007. She was instrumental in our smooth transition from Pastor Jim to Pastor Park’s ministry. Mary has always approached her work as a ministry. Although few know the many details she takes care of, many appreciate her conscientious work.

Mary’s last day will be December 31. On Wednesday, December 26 at noon you are invited to celebrate Mary’s retirement in the fellowship hall with a potluck luncheon. Cake will be provided (probably chocolate – that’s her favorite!). You are welcome to present Mary with a card or gift honoring her service if you wish.

Steve Prewitt, SPRC chair