September 23, 2013

Prayer on Rib MtnJesus  did some of his best ministry on mountaintops – he fed people (John 6:10) preached (Matthew 5:1), and prayed (Luke 6:12). You can too! Join Wausau-area Methodists for fellowship and evening vespers at the Rib Mountain State park amphitheater. Enjoy the fall colors and share in worship, music, and prayer!

We will go to the mountain Sunday, September 29. Gather after 4:00pm, dinner at 5:00pm, worship at 6:00pm. Hot dogs and drinks provided; bring a side dish or dessert to share if you are able. We also suggest you bring your own dinnerware and a lawn chair. No fee or offering, but Rib Mountain State Park charges $7 per carload for admission to the park.

Call the church office by September 25 for more information.