March 27, 2019




UMCOR is the United Methodist Committee on Relief, and yet they are anything but a typical committee.  They are a program by the General Board of Global Ministries, taking action when disaster strikes around the globe.

We will be highlighting UMCOR during the next week, March 31st, which is our “One Great Hour of Sharing” Special Sunday.

UMCOR acts as the hands and feet of Christ’s church, moving towards the most vulnerable in their time of need.  Helping people in their darkest days doesn’t have to be something “they” do, it can be something “we” do.  We hope that you will give generously this upcoming UMCOR Sunday, so that we, along with other United Methodist congregations around the globe, can share compassionate relief in the midst of devastation.

Currently, UMCOR is in close connection with the annual conferences responding to severe weather in the Midwestern United States.  The Great Plains Conference was awarded a $10,000 solidarity grant and UMCOR is beginning assessments on how to best support relief efforts as they develop.  Assessments are ongoing in the Iowa conference and UMCOR is supporting them with Emergency Response Team “Train the Trainer” courses.  Once weather permits, assessments will begin in the Dakotas, Wisconsin and Mountain Sky conferences.  UMCOR awaits reports from other partners, as they work with other district and state response teams.

Let’s be praying for UMCOR, and for our MUMC May mission project of filling 5 Flood Buckets, for delivery to Annual Conference in June.