September 16, 2013

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know I will triumph.” Isaiah 50:7

What is God’s plan for you? God has a plan for each of us. Sometimes it’s one plan and sometimes it is several along our life span.  Sometimes it is hard to hear God’s plan for us; when we do, it’s such a blessing.

For 25 years God planned for me to teach three-to-five year olds about Jesus’ love and all God’s wonders. I had a wonderful time being with so many little people as they began to travel life and discover God.

I had my eyes opened to God’s plan for my teaching when a young adult that I had not seen since she was a five-year-old in my Sunday School class told me she used my name as a password for her programs! You can imagine how that touched my heart and how I thanked God for that child and for keeping me in her heart for all those years.

Another plan God had for me was my love for prayer.  I’m still involved with prayer and I pray that it will grow.  There is so much prayer in our Women’s Retreat that I also feel this is a gift from God. Spending time with some elderly women in prayer, Bible study and sharing is my latest gift from God and hopefully that will continue to grow.

Picture of small country churchThrough all the gifts I’ve been given so far, a really meaningful gift came to me this summer.  I received a post card from my “frisky” granddaughter, who is happily married with two children of her own.  The postcard was from her during her vacation in West Virginia.  The picture was of a church—Our Lady of the Pines—which is the smallest church and post office in Silver Lake, WV.

On the message section she said they stopped at this church and it made her think of me!  for a granddaughter who was never on a constant path with any church, it was so touching that she associated me with the Lord in any way!

I don’t know what future plans God has for me, and I’m sure there is more, but whatever it is, I pray my ears and my heart are open to whatever it may be.

Take time to reflect on your own life and think about where God has led you through the years and where he might lead you in the future. Open your heart and listen and you will find God’s plan for you.

Prayer is such a big part of being able to hear what your Father has planned for you. Please join us on Mondays at 6:30pm in the Prayer Chapel.  Group prayer, along with private prayer can help open the wave lengths to God’s Plan!

Hear God’s Blessings,

Carol Anderson and the Prayer Team

“But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and tell people about me everywhere…” Acts 1:8