July 1, 2015









When I was a kid my pastor retired. Dr. Knight retired the summer between my 7th and 8th grade year in school. My home church had a two year confirmation program that spanned our 7th and 8th grade years. I loved Dr. Knight. I wanted nothing to do with whoever his replacement happened to be. I just knew that confirmation and the church weren’t going to be the same without Dr. Knight and that I wouldn’t like this new guy. Turns out, I was totally right (and wrong!).

I was right in the sense that Pastor Dick wasn’t a clone of Dr. Knight. He had a different personality, preaching style, teaching style and sense of humor (he actually had one, Dr. Knight was a very serious man). Confirmation and the church weren’t the same as they had been with Dr. Knight, but they were good. I was wrong because not only did I end up liking the “new guy” but I grew to appreciate Pastor Dick as a man who I respected, a mentor, teacher, and eventually friend and colleague.

I share this because I know that change is never easy. I know this is true as you face the prospect of meeting a new pastor. There are some of you who are very close to Pastor Park and you are skeptical of this “new guy,” and are sure that we won’t be the same. That is true, we won’t be the same. My style and personality will no doubt be different from Pastor Park but there are two very important ways that we will be the same: 1) our love and passion for God and 2) our love and passion for God’s people in Mosinee.

I want to thank Pastor Park for his ministry with you all. I look forward to my ministry with you all. I look forward to meeting you and working with you in God’s harvest.

Until Next Time,
Pastor Stanton