August 1, 2012

Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year is “Daniel: Courage in Captivity.” Daniel and friends were torn from their homes and forced to serve the king of Babylon. Over the first two evenings, kids and adults have met Daniel and the court official Ashpenaz, played in the king’s Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and visited the marketplace to buy food, make crafts, and learn musical instruments.

Attendance has been growing, and we look forward to a big finish. VBS takes place Wednesday evenings through August 15, from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. Each evening includes a free light supper, group worship, and activity stations. On the last night, we plan to have an exotic animal petting zoo at the church!

VBS takes the place of Wednesday evening worship and Monday night youth group.

Many thanks to our volunteers! Tina Kramer is our organizer. We have an outstanding cast of helpers! Mike Strasburg plays Daniel, and Steve Prewitt is his frenemy Ashpenaz, the king’s chief advisor. Marketplace and kitchen helpers include Mary Hartmann (music), Cheryl Huber (mosaics), Carla Cisler (gardening), Barb Dupuis (jewelry), and Mariah Krueger (astronomy). Marcia Kohnert is our worship leader and leads the tribe of Joseph. Mary Kreuger leads the tribe of Benjamin; she, Carly, Mariah, Jan Krusick, and Charmaine Prewitt also work in the King’s Kitchen serving the meals. Albie Kramer, Pastor Park, and Cameron Hunter built the set, using donated materials from Julie and Charles Baker, the Prewitts, and many others. VBS is nearly a “cast of thousands” this year.

More photos are available in our Facebook album, Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity VBS – 2012