Category Archives: Fellowship


LifeTree Cafe 6:30pm Wednesday, July 22

  “How to Be True to Your Faith: (Without being a jerk)” is the topic for this month’s LifeTree Cafe. Join us for a video, light refreshments and an informal discussion in Fellowship Hall. The video features an interview with religious ethicist Jacob Robinson. “I started to learn that instead of correcting people, I needed to learn how to listen. Before I had always listened to correct; I didn’t listen to care,” says Robinson.


LifeTree Cafe 6:30pm Wednesday, May 27

“Only One Way to God?: Can one religion really have all the answers?” is the topic for this month’s LifeTree Cafe. Join us for a video, light refreshments and an informal discussion. The program features the filmed story of Valerie Winn, an American whose spiritual journey led her to a Chinese village where she encountered an underground church. Winn describes her encounters with various religions and how they shaped her.