Category Archives: Fellowship


LifeTree Cafe 6:30pm Wednesday, April 22

“Zzzz…:Practical help for getting a better night’s sleep” is the topic for the next LifeTree Café held 6:30pm Wednesday, April 22nd. Join us for a video, light refreshments and an informal discussion led by Pastor Park. The program features a filmed interview with Kat Duff, the author of “The Secret Life of Sleep.” “Insufficient sleep has been called the number one killer in the western world,” said Duff.


Live Purse Auction 6pm Saturday, April 18

Join us for a live purse auction and free appetizer and dessert buffet this Saturday, April 18 at 6pm in Fellowship Hall. Auction proceeds will benefit at risk women worldwide. Purses and bags of all sizes and types will be filled with treasures up for auction. The event is coordinated by the United Methodist Women. The even is free and open to the public.