Category Archives: Missions


127 Shoebox Gifts Shipped ‘Round the World

Santa’s pickup truck is overflowing! Elves Anna-Lisa Erickson and Jan Hansford helped to load 127 shoebox gifts packed by Mosinee churches and schools for the Operation Christmas Child project. Hansford delivered the gifts to a regional collection point November 17, and they will travel to happy, needy children around the world in the next month. Participants included Mosinee United Methodist Church, St. John’s Lutheran, Cornerstone Church, St.


Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts

Operation Christmas Child is an ambitious global mission project to send shoeboxes full of small Christmas gifts to needy children around the world. Organized by Franklin Graham, son of famous evangelist Billy Graham, the program has grown and now sends millions of shoeboxes out annually. Jan Hansford has volunteered in the warehouses that pack and prepare the shoeboxes for distribution. This year she decided to help Mosinee churches participate.