Category Archives: Stewardship


God at Work: God Makes It Grow!

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God made it grow.” (Acts 2:47 CEB) Mosinee United Methodist Church is like a garden. Our garden was planted generations ago. All of us continue to plant and tend. We have many gifted leaders who plant and till – our music leaders, our lay speakers, our Sunday School teachers, our youth volunteers, our committees (and on and on!).


God at Work: A Little Bit Means a Lot

“Whoever is faithful with little is also faithful with much.” (Luke 16:10 CEB) Someone recently sent me a heart-warming story: a working man always put his spare change into a jar to help pay for his son’s college education. The son always saw the jar on his father’s dresser, and it made a big impression. After the boy finished college the jar disappeared.