Category Archives: Worship


Circuit 9 Prayer on Rib Mountain 9/29

Jesus  did some of his best ministry on mountaintops – he fed people (John 6:10) preached (Matthew 5:1), and prayed (Luke 6:12). You can too! Join Wausau-area Methodists for fellowship and evening vespers at the Rib Mountain State park amphitheater. Enjoy the fall colors and share in worship, music, and prayer! We will go to the mountain Sunday, September 29. Gather after 4:00pm, dinner at 5:00pm, worship at 6:00pm.


Carols & Scripture by Candlelight

Bring your family, or join our family, for a beloved Christmas tradition. Pause from the hustle and bustle of Christmas to focus on the birth of Jesus Christ and experience the divine peace of God’s blessing. Mosinee UMC’s Christmas Eve services are scheduled for 4:00pm and 10:00pm, December 24. We will hear the story of Christ’s birth told through scripture, carols, and special music. Both services conclude with “Silent Night” sung by candlelight.